Best of 2004: #12 -- The Futureheads The Futureheads

British angst is a wonderful thing. It's spawned tons of bloody good music over the years, the latest of which is the gloriously spastic self-titled debut album from The Futureheads. Melding New Wave and Post-Punk with a dash of British Invasion, The Futureheads do much more than merely mimic their producer Andy Gill's touchstone band, Gang of Four. Though their sound does owe a tremendous debt to U.K. rockers of yore, The Futureheads are also just as influenced by the artists of today. "Danger of the Water," for one, would sound right at home on a Beta Band album.
The Futureheads manage to distill their litany of influences into a uniquely original sound, even when performing the album's only cover song, Kate Bush's "Hounds of Love." No less an authority than noted rural Maine DJ frostingspoon, who loves Kate Bush so much he had the restraining order professionally framed, must agree that The Futureheads have done his stalkee justice. This entire album is not so much a tribute or homage to British angst, as it is a celebration of every rambunctious Limey ever to step on stage with a chip on his shoulder and a pick in his hand.
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